Journal of International Management Research and Applications <p class="xmsonormal">Journal of International Management Research and Applications (JIMRA) is an international, open-access and academic peer-reviewed journal that aims to contribute to the literature by including original studies in the field of management sciences. The journal publishes theoretical and/or applied studies that contribute to the field. JIMRA started to be published in 2022, and it is published twice a year in June and December. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.</p> Doç. Dr. Serhat ERAT en-US Journal of International Management Research and Applications 2980-0528 MEASURING THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES WITH FUZZY LOGIC <p>Employees are the most valuable assets for an organization today. Many factors such as educational background, job skills and abilities should be considered when selecting and evaluating employees. Any institution or organization aims to improve the performance of its employees, to achieve its business goals and to select the right employee when recruiting. Fuzzy logic, which is one of the artificial intelligence techniques, is a decision-making method that enables the strengthening and improvement of human resources and finding the best solution to uncertain problems. In order to select the right employee by using fuzzy logic, many performance evaluation criteria are considered, and the candidates are scored with a decision-making mechanism. This study's objective is to use fuzzy set theory, the Mamdani method, to measure and assess performance during the personnel evaluation and selection process in order to produce the most accurate conclusions for the organization. Fuzzy logic clusters with multiple parameters to provide answers to uncertainties will be used in this study. The performance of current employees is measured using the Mamdani method and training help and awards are given in accordance. According to the outcome as measured, improvements should be made. Candidates are ranked according to their scores, and it is aimed to determine the best one as a result. In order to improve the performance of existing employees with a fuzzy logic decision-making mechanism, first of all, it should be determined which rating criteria the employees lack. Afterward, it is expected that the person will improve himself/herself in this field by providing training according to the needs. If the person is still not at the desired level, the job can be terminated.</p> Zehra Demirel Ceren Cubukcu Cerasi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Management Research and Applications 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 3 1 1 18 THE MEDIATING ROLE OF ORGANISATIONAL ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY IN THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE MEMORY AND ORGANISATIONAL AGILITY ON FIRM PERFORMANCE <p>In today's dynamic business environment, organizations need to be in harmony with environmental sustainability as well as managing change effectively in order to cope with intense competition and rapid developments in technology. The need to quickly adapt to these changes brings to the fore dynamic concepts such as organizational agility, organizational absorptive capacity and corporate memory in terms of organizations learning from past knowledge and experiences. In this context, the mediating role of organizational absorptive capacity is investigated by examining the relationships between corporate memory and organizational agility and firm performance in the service sector. It is aimed to contribute to business life by investigating the effects of the variables examined in this study on firm performance in the service sector. Within the scope of the research, data was collected by questionnaires from 429 people, consisting of business owners and managers working in the service sector in Istanbul, Turkey. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS software. As a result of the analysis, it has been confirmed that organizational absorptive capacity has a mediating role in the effect of corporate memory and organizational agility on firm performance. It has been found that a total of four sub-dimensions, namely the history of the organization sub-dimension of corporate memory, the flexibility and speed sub-dimensions of organizational agility, and the use of knowledge sub-dimension of organizational absorptive capacity, have a positive relationship with firm performance. In addition, according to the research findings, it was concluded that there is a negative relationship between the professional knowledge sub-dimension of corporate memory and company performance.</p> Yıldız Ünsal Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Management Research and Applications 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 3 1 19 49